Materials needed:
Eggs- blown or wooden/decopage eggs (I used blown eggs due to availability)
Paint- optional- my eggs were white so I did not bother
Hot glue gun and hot glue
Step one:
Heat up the hot glue gun.
Step two:
Wind some twine to make a circle- See photo
Step Three:
Attach to bottom of the egg with hot glue. See photo
Step Four:
Apply a thin layer of glue next to the circle you made- and wrap the twine. Repeat until egg is almost wrapped- See photo
Step Five:
When you are at the top of the egg and have almost finished wrapping the egg cut the twine and glue down.
Finished project- they are CUTE…
You can add a loop of twine before finishing off the wrapping of the twine in step five to create a hanging egg. Try wrapping with two colours of twine for a striped egg.