Well I just want to keep on sewing and sewing. I made a skirt for Alyssa today a simple twirly one. made on my design. SO SO SO simple.
here are the basics of what I did.
*cut two strips across the fabric from selvedge to selvedge at the length you want the skirt+ hem and elastic casing allowances.
*Sew 2 strips together, serge and iron seams flat.
*Serge the bottom (you will not have to serge the top as you will double fold for the elastic.
*Iron up you hem and then iron up you elastic casing at the top. Do this by ironing over 5cm then again iron over to allow for your elastic (this will depend on the thickness of your elastic)
* I then sewed the casing leaving a gap to thread the elastic then added the white ribbon to the botton and sewed this at the same time sewing up the hem (kill two birds with one stone).
*Thread the elastic, stitch together and stitch up the gap you left to thread the elastic- simple.
Still deciding on whether I should add a red ribbon in the middle of the white one??